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Wednesday, 18 March 2015

What is Polymorphism? Types of Polymorphism? Real Time Examples

In Object Oriented Programming polymorphism is one of the main concept. In the previous post freshers Junction blog explain one more Object oriented program concept “What Is Inheritance In Oops? Real Time Example? Program ? Advantages And Disadvantages?”  is explained. Polymorphism in Oops (Object Oriented Programming) is very important technical interview question.

                Whenever you receive question from interviewer as what is polymorphism in Oops? Then you should be ready to give the answer, which is freshers junction explains here.
Polymorphism-imagesWhat is Polymorphism?

                In Oops, Polymorphism is one of main concept. Polymorphism name itself tells “many forms”. That is Poly means “Many” morphism means “forms”. So Polymorphism meaning  in Oops “one name many forms”.  Or Polymorphism can also define as “same operation may behave differently on different classes”.

Real Time Example for Polymorphism in .Net or Java or Oops:

                Real time example for polymorphism is “Door”, why mean we can use these doors for home, car, lift etc.

Types of Polymorphism:

                In the polymorphism concept types of polymorphism is also very important. You should give answer this question very clearly, Let us see what are types in polymorphism.

                In polymorphism there are two types,

They are Static polymorphism and Dynamic polymorphism. Now we can see detailed description of Static polymorphism and Dynamic polymorphism.

                Static Polymorphism is also known as Compile time polymorphism, this Static Polymorphism have two types those are “Function Overloading and operator overloading”.

Example program for compile time polymorphism – Method overloading

                Dynamic Polymorphism is also known as Run time polymorphism, in this Dynamic Polymorphism one more type is there that is “Virtual Function”.

Example program for run time polymorphism – Method overriding

                Example for compile time Polymorphism is “Method Overloading”, The concept of Method Overloading is clearly explain in the Freshers Junction blog previous post. That is
                                                “Method overloading – Example Program”
                Example for Run time Polymorphism is “Method Overriding”, The concept of Method Overloading is clearly explain in the Freshers Junction blog previous post. That is
                                                “Method overriding – Example Program”
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                If you have any queries about this concept comment here, Freshers junction clarifies your doubt within short period of time.

You may also search in Google about this concept “What is Polymorphism? Types of Polymorphism? Real Time Examples” as:
Freshers junction - Real time example of polymorphism, types of polymorphism, meaning of polymorphism, polymorphism example program, polymorphism types and real time example, polymorphism in oops, polymorphism examples, what is polymorphism, different types of polymorphism


Unknown said...

Please explain bout method over loading and method over riding


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